Kamis, 25 Juni 2009


After the worshipper has performed his ablution he is ready for Prayer.When the time of Prayer comes,it is good practice,after the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),to say the Prayer call (Athan) The caller stands facing the Qiblah (the direction of the Ka'bah at Makkah),raising both hands to his ears,and says,in a loud voice,the following:
1. (Allah is the Greatest), (repeat four times)
2. (I bear witness that there is no Allah but the One Allah), (repeat twice).
3. (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah), (repeat twice).
4. (Come fast to prayer), (repeat twice,turning the face to right).
5. (Come fast to success), (repeat twice,turning the face to the left).
6. (Allah is the Greatest), (repeat twice).
7. (There is no Allah but the One and True Allah), (once).

When the Call ii made for the Dawn Prayer,the caller adds one sentence right after part (5) above.The sentence added is; (Prayer is better than sleep), (repeat twice).Then the caller continues with parts (6) and (7),This exception is made for Dawn prayer only because it is the time when people are asleep and in need for reminder of Prayer.

When this Call is uttered,the worshippers get ready for Prayer and startit with an announcement called (Iqamah).The sentences here are the same as those of the Athan,except that the Iqamah is said in a faster and less audible voice and right after part (5) this sentence should be said twice: (prayer is to start).Then part (6) and (7) should fallow till the end as usual.

Ater the worshipper has finished the ablution and after the Athan and Iqamah are said,the Prayer starts as follows:
1. The Dawn Prayer : In this Prayer two units (Rak'ah) are offered first as supererogatory (Sunnah).These are followed by two other units as obligatory (Fard).Both the same way except that,when declaring the intention,one has to distinguish between the two.The obligatory units may be performed in an audible or low voice.
2. The Noon Prayer : This consists of four units as Sunnah followed by four units as Fard,and then two others ass Sunnah,all of which are in a low voice.
3. The Mid-Afternoon Prayer : It consists of four units as Sunnah followed by four others as fard.These are performed in the same way as the Noon Prayer in a low voice.
4. The Sunset Prayer : It consists of three units as Fard followed by two as Sunnah.It may be said in the first two units with a low or audible voice,the third unit is in a low voice.
5. The Evening Prayer ; It consists of four units as Fard,two as Sunnah and three as Witr,which are higher than Sunnah and lower than Fard.

The Sunnah Prayers are not required from a person who has missed some Fard Prayers.Instead,he must make up for what he has missed and offer the obligatory Prayers.Also the Sunnah Prayers are not required ,if the due time person misses any Prayer and wanats to make up for it,he has to offer the Fard only.

If a worshipper does not know how to say his whole Prayers in the Arabic version,he may use any other language he knows if it can express the same meaning ,but this has to be avoided as far as possible.The Fard Prayer is much more preferable when offered in a congregation led by an Imanm.The cogregation is best when held in a mosque,.but it may be held in other places.

Extended for Al Azhar Book First Year.