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Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
The name of the Prophet Muhammad's father was Abdullah and his mother's name was Aminah.He was born on 12th of Rab' Al-Awal,i.e 20th april 570 A.C on a Monday in Makkah.His father,Abdullah died before his birth.Therefore,Muhammad (PBUH) was born an orphan.His grandfather,Abdul Muttalib took over guardianship of the child.He was wet nursed by a foster mother,Halimah,of the tribe of Sa'd of Makkah.
When he was only four years old,he started going with his foster brother to feed the goats outside Makkah.When Muhammad (PBUH) was six years old,his mother,Aminah aslo died.Then after two years,when he was eight,his grandfather,who was his guardians,also died.From then on,he came-under the guardianship of his uncle,Abu Talib whose son was Ali.
The behavior of Muhammad (PBUH) was alittle different from his very early age.He detested the ways of the ignorant and Allah,The Almighty,kept him away from all evil ways and objectionable conduct.
source : al azhar book
Selasa, 12 Juli 2011
Requirement for Prayer
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
How to Read the Qur'an
The Qur'an is the Word of Allah,The Almighty.Nobody,not even the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),has the right to change,add or delete one word of the Qur'an.The arrangement of the Qur'an into chapters and verses has been done in accordance to the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
If one remembers that the Qur'an was communicated to the Prophet (PBUH) over a period of twenty-three years,a little at a time,it becomes plain that it should be read in the same way that demands meditation,understanding and observance.The Qur'an is the Word of Allah addressed to man to be a guide for his conduct for all time to come.its basic purpose is to instruct and to teach.The Qur'an is not a history book,nor a biography,nor a collection os sayings.So,the way of reading the Qur'an must reflect how it explains and illustrates the basic principles in various ways,and in an infinite variety.Thus,the more we study the Qur'an in the light of our growing knowledge of the world,and of man,and of Allah's purpose,the more truthful facts await us in the unfolding of its meanings.
We find many passages in Qur'an which describe its origin,its purpose and its style.These passages give comprehensive answers to the basic and ever-occurring question of life.They show the greatness and glory of Allah's words in a way that no other book has provided for so many people,over so long a span of time.The Qur'an - also referred to as The Book of Allah (Kitab ul-Allah) Speech of Allah (Kalam ul-Allah) The Message ( Al Tliikr),and The Criterion (Al Furqan) - is the speech of Allah in the Arabic language,communicated to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the Glorious and Trustworthy Spirit,The Angel Gabriel.
Its message is conveyed in an easy language that expalins matters clearly,in a consistent way and with no contradictions.None of its language and no part of the Qur'an can be imitated by men,they are unable to produce even few sentences like those found in the Qur'an,whether in content or expression.So the Qur'an as we read it today is exactly the same as it was received by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).Allah guards its purity and addresses it to all mankind,to be a guide in this world and to give glad tidings of the Next World to those who follow a righteous way of life.
After the worshipper has performed his ablution he is ready for Prayer.When the time of Prayer comes,it is good practice,after the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),to say the Prayer call (Athan) The caller stands facing the Qiblah (the direction of the Ka'bah at Makkah),raising both hands to his ears,and says,in a loud voice,the following:
1. (Allah is the Greatest), (repeat four times)
2. (I bear witness that there is no Allah but the One Allah), (repeat twice).
3. (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah), (repeat twice).
4. (Come fast to prayer), (repeat twice,turning the face to right).
5. (Come fast to success), (repeat twice,turning the face to the left).
6. (Allah is the Greatest), (repeat twice).
7. (There is no Allah but the One and True Allah), (once).
When the Call ii made for the Dawn Prayer,the caller adds one sentence right after part (5) above.The sentence added is; (Prayer is better than sleep), (repeat twice).Then the caller continues with parts (6) and (7),This exception is made for Dawn prayer only because it is the time when people are asleep and in need for reminder of Prayer.
When this Call is uttered,the worshippers get ready for Prayer and startit with an announcement called (Iqamah).The sentences here are the same as those of the Athan,except that the Iqamah is said in a faster and less audible voice and right after part (5) this sentence should be said twice: (prayer is to start).Then part (6) and (7) should fallow till the end as usual.
Ater the worshipper has finished the ablution and after the Athan and Iqamah are said,the Prayer starts as follows:
1. The Dawn Prayer : In this Prayer two units (Rak'ah) are offered first as supererogatory (Sunnah).These are followed by two other units as obligatory (Fard).Both the same way except that,when declaring the intention,one has to distinguish between the two.The obligatory units may be performed in an audible or low voice.
2. The Noon Prayer : This consists of four units as Sunnah followed by four units as Fard,and then two others ass Sunnah,all of which are in a low voice.
3. The Mid-Afternoon Prayer : It consists of four units as Sunnah followed by four others as fard.These are performed in the same way as the Noon Prayer in a low voice.
4. The Sunset Prayer : It consists of three units as Fard followed by two as Sunnah.It may be said in the first two units with a low or audible voice,the third unit is in a low voice.
5. The Evening Prayer ; It consists of four units as Fard,two as Sunnah and three as Witr,which are higher than Sunnah and lower than Fard.
The Sunnah Prayers are not required from a person who has missed some Fard Prayers.Instead,he must make up for what he has missed and offer the obligatory Prayers.Also the Sunnah Prayers are not required ,if the due time person misses any Prayer and wanats to make up for it,he has to offer the Fard only.
If a worshipper does not know how to say his whole Prayers in the Arabic version,he may use any other language he knows if it can express the same meaning ,but this has to be avoided as far as possible.The Fard Prayer is much more preferable when offered in a congregation led by an Imanm.The cogregation is best when held in a mosque,.but it may be held in other places.
Extended for Al Azhar Book First Year.
Jumat, 19 Juni 2009
It is the belief that Allah has predetermined things according to His limitless Knowledge,Power and Wisdom.He willed things,aand then brought them into existence according to His Knowledge.Their happening does not change anything in Allah's knowledge.Allah is Wise,Just,and Loving and whatever He does must be for the good,although we may fail sometimesto understanding it fully.
This does not make man fatalistic or helpless.It simply draws the line between what is mithin God's Knowledge and what is man's responsibility.Because we are,by nature finite and limited,we have only a finite and limited degree of power and freedom.We cannot do everything,and He Graciously holds us responsible only for the things we do.The things we cannot do,or the things which He Himself does are not in the realm of our,responsibility.He is Just,and has given us limited power to match our finite nature and limited responsibility.
On the other hand,the Timeless Knowledge and Power of Allah execute His commands,do not prevent us from making our own plans in our own limited sphere of power.On the contrary,He exhorts us to think,plan and make sound choices,but if things do not happen the way we plan,we should not lose faith or surrender ourselves to mental stress and shattering worries.we should try again and again and if the results are not satisfactory,then we know we have tried our best,and the final decision is with Allah.
We should have strong faith in Allah and accept whatever He does because our knowledge is limited and our thinking is based on human consideration,where as His Knowledge is limitless and His Commands are Supreme.Muslim call this article of faith Divine Destiny (Qada and Qadar),which-simply means that the Divine Decree of Allah anticipates events and that events take place according to the Divine Knowledge of Allah.
extracted from Al Azhar Book Fist Year
Minggu, 25 Mei 2008
Gambar Maqam Sidi Syeikh Ahmad Badawi r.a
Kota Fas rupanya beruntung sekali karena pernah melahirkan sang manusia langit yang namanya semerbak di dunia sufi pada tahun 596 H. Sang sufi yang mempunyai nama lengkap Ahmad bin Ali Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr al-Badawi ini ternyata termasuk zurriyyah baginda Nabi, karena nasabnya sampai pada Ali Zainal Abidin bin Husain bin Ali bin Abi Talib, suami sayyidah Fatimah binti sayyidina Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Keluarga Badawi sendiri bukan penduduk asli Fas (sekarang termasuk kota di Maroko). Mereka berasal dari Bani Bara, suatu kabilah Arab di Syam sampai akhirnya tinggal di Negara Arab paling barat ini. Di sinilah Badawi kecil menghafal al-Qur’an mengkaji ilmu-ilmu agama khususnya fikih madzhab syafi’i. Pada tahun 609 H ayahnya membawanya pergi ke tanah Haram bersama saudara-saudaranya untuk melaksanakan ibadah haji. Mereka tinggal di Makkah selama beberapa tahun sampai ajal menjemput sang ayah pada tahun 627 H dan dimakamkan di Ma’la.
Badawi masuk Mesir
Sang sufi yang selalu mengenakan tutup muka ini suatu ketika ber-khalwat selama empat puluh hari tidak makan dan minum. Waktunya dihabiskan untuk meihat langit. Kedua matanya bersinar bagai bara. Sekonyong-konyong ia mendengar suara tanpa rupa. “Berdirilah !” begitu suara itu terus menggema, Carilah tempat terbitnya matahari. Dan ketika kamu sudah menemukannya, carilah tempat terbenamnya matahari. Kemudian…beranjaklah ke Thantha, suatu kota yang ada di propinsi Gharbiyyah, Mesir. Di sanalah tempatmu wahai pemuda”.
Suara tanpa rupa itu seakan membimbingnya ke Iraq. Di sana ia bertemu dengan dua orang yang terkenal yaitu Syekh Abdul Kadir al-Jailani dan ar-Rifa’i. “Wahai Ahmad ” begitu kedua orang itu berkata kepada Ahmad al-Badawi seperti mengeluarkan titah. ” Kunci-kunci rahasia wilayah Iraq, Hindia, Yaman, as-Syarq dan al-Gharb ada di genggaman kita. Pilihlah mana yang kamu suka “. Tanpa disangka-sangka al-Badawi menjawab, “Saya tidak akan mengambil kunci tersebut kecuali dari Dzat Yang Maha Membuka.
Perjalanan selanjutnya adalah Mesir negeri para nabi dan ahli bait. Badawi masuk Mesir pada tahun 34 H. Di sana ia bertemu dengan al-Zahir Bibers dengan tentaranya. Mereka menyanjung dan memuliakan sang wali ini. Namun takdir menyuratkan lain, ia harus melanjutkan perjalanan menuju tempat yang dimaksud oleh bisikan gaib, Thantha, satu kota yang banyak melahirkan tokoh-tokoh dunia. Di sana ia menjumpai para wali, seperti Syaikh Hasan al-Ikhna`I, Syaikh Salim al- Maghribi dan Syaikh Salim al-Badawi. Di sinilah ia menancapkan dakwahnya, menyeru pada agama Allah, takut dan senantiasa berharap hanya kepada-Nya. Badawi yang alim
Dalam perjalanan hidupnya sebagai anak manusia ia pernah dikenal sebagai orang yang pemarah, karena begitu banyaknya orang yang menyakit. Tapi rupanya keberuntungan dan kebijakan berpihak pada anak cucu Nabi ini. Marah bukanlah suatu penyelesaian terhadap masalah bahkan menimbulkan masalah baru yang bukan hanya membawa madarat pada orang lain, tapi diri sendiri. Diam, menyendiri, merenung, itulah sikap yang dipilih selanjutnya. Dengan diam orang lebih bisa banyak mendengar. Dengan menyendiri orang semakin tahu betapa rendah, hina dan perlunya diri ini akan gapaian tangan-tangan Yang Maha Asih. Dengan merenung orang akan banyak memperoleh nilai-nilai kebenaran. Dan melalui sikap yang mulia ini ia tenggelam dalam zikir dan belaian Allah SWT.
Laksana laut, diam tenang tapi dalam dan penuh bongkahan mutiara, itulah al-badawi. Matbuli dalam hal ini memberi kesaksian, “Rasulullah SAW bersabda kepadaku, ” Setelah Muhammad bin Idris as-Syafiiy tidak ada wali di Mesir yang fatwanya lebih berpengaruh daripada Ahmad Badawi, Nafisah, Syarafuddin al-Kurdi kemudian al-Manufi.
Suatu ketika Ibnu Daqiq al-’Id mengutus Abdul Aziz al- Darini untuk menguji Ahmad Badawi dalam berbagai permasalahan. Dengan tenang dia menjawab, “Jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu terdapat dalam kitab “Syajaratul Ma’arif” karya Syaikh Izzuddin bin Abdus Salam.
Karomah Ahmad Badawi
Kendati karomah bukanlah satu-satunya ukuran tingkat kewalian seseorang, tidak ada salahnya disebutkan beberapa karomah Syaikh Badawi sebagai petunjuk betapa agungnya wali yang satu ini.
Al-kisah ada seorang Syaikh yang hendak bepergian. Sebelum bepergian dia meminta pendapat pada Syaikh al-Badawi yang sudah berbaring tenang di alam barzakh.
“Pergilah, dan tawakkallah kepada Allah SWT”tiba-tiba terdengar suara dari dalam makam Syekh Badawi. Syaikh Sya’roni berkomentar, “Saya mendengar perkataan tadi dengan telinga saya sendiri “.
Tersebut Syaikh Badawi suatu hari berkata kepada seorang laki-laki yang memohon petunjuk dalam berdagang. “Simpanlah gandum untuk tahun ini. Karena harga gandum nanti akan melambung tinggi, tapi ingat, kamu harus banyak bersedekah pada fakir miskin”. Demikian nasehat Syekh Badawi yang benar-benar dilaksanakan oleh laki-laki itu. Setahun kemudian dengan izin Allah kejadiannya terbukti benar.
Pada tahun 675 H sejarah mencatat kehilangan tokoh besar yang barangkali tidak tergantikan dalam puluhan tahun berikutnya. Syekh Badawi, pecinta ilahi yang belum pernah menikah ini beralih alam menuju tempat yang dekat dan penuh limpahan rahmat-Nya. Setelah dia meninggal, tugas dakwah diganti oleh Syaikh Abdul ‘Al sampai dia meninggal pada tahun 773 H.
Beberapa waktu setelah kepergian wali pujaan ini, umat seperti tidak tahan, rindu akan kehadiran, petuah-petuahnya. Maka diadakanlah perayaan hari lahir Syaikh Badawi. Orang-orang datang mengalir bagaikan bah dari berbagai tempat yang jauh. Kerinduan, kecintaan, pengabdian mereka tumpahkan pada hari itu pada sufi agung ini. Hal inilah kiranya yang menyebabkan sebagian ulama dan pejabat waktu itu ada yang berkeinginan untuk meniadakan acara maulid. Tercatat satu tahun berikutnya perayaan maulid syekh Badawi ditiadakan demi menghindari penyalahgunaan dan penyimpangan akidah. Namun itu tidak berlangsung lama, hanya satu tahun. Dan tahun berikutnya perayaan pun digelar kembali sampai sekarang. Wallahu `a’lam.